Loading the comprehensive Wheretostay map-based itinerary system.
Plan your trip and make day-to-day bookings.
Choose your trip Start and End dates below.
Plan your trip
Instructions: Travel Planner
You can book your accommodation for an entire trip using our Travel Planner, as well activities and services (restaurants, etc).
You can Plan a trip OR just browse Accommodation, Activities and Services.
Step 1. Click on a Stamp
Step 2. Enter Start and End dates of trip
Step 3. Select Accommodation, Activity or Service
Step 4. Add to Itinerary
Step 5. Complete the booking enquiry OR save your trip plan.
Please note:
You can also book activities and services (restaurants, etc) using our Trip Planner.
You need to only book accommodation for those days you will actually OVERNIGHT.
The Trip Planner requires a wider screen and is best viewed on a tablet or desktop computer. It might be difficult to use all the features on a phone or other small device.
Create your Itinerary:
CLICK ON A DAY to select START and END dates
or RESET TRIP to start a new trip
or SAVE TRIP to modify dates of current trip
Select a START DATE and END DATE to plan your trip:
Days (inclusive):
my distance
Drag & drop items to days below.
Click or to view travel time.
Drag to to delete.